Remote Learning Grading Policy

Remote Learning Grading Policy

Dear IEC Students, Families, and Staff:

As you know, the Grading Policy for this school year has been updated due to the shift to Remote Learning (RL) during the COVID 19 crisis. We want
to be sure that everyone clearly understands the implications of this citywide policy update and the ways in which it will be implemented at IEC.
Please note that as the citywide policy mandates that there will be no failing grades issued at the end of the spring semester, teachers and students
must still demonstrate that appropriate learning opportunities have been provided and that course requirements have been met respectively.

Please read carefully the outline of how the grading policy will be implemented so that each member of our learning community understands our
roles in implementing the policy and that each student has every opportunity to meet course requirements and thereby generate evidence of
learning to support his/her promotion and progress to graduation.

9th - 12th

  • Our school’s existing grading scale still applies, but no failing grades will be issued.
  • If a student does not meet course requirements necessary to pass the course and receive credit, a “Course in Progress” (NX) will be
    issued instead, providing students with additional time to complete the requirements for the course.
  • If a student receives Course in Progress (NX), the student must still meet course requirements. This policy only provides more time but
    the course requirements must still be met.
  •  Students will be given the opportunity to complete the course requirements through Summer Learning which will likely be remote. The
    Summer Learning course work will reflect the remote learning assignments, tasks, and outcomes that the student has yet to complete at
    an adequate level.
  • Students who complete course requirements through Summer Learning will be eligible for the regents’ exemption in the relevant
    course(s) for which they have met credit eligibility requirements.
  • Students have until January 2021 to complete the course requirements. The completion of the course requirements through January
    2021 will reflect the remote learning assignments, tasks, and outcomes that the student has yet to complete at an adequate level.
    • Students who do not complete the course requirements until January 2021 will not be eligible for the regents’ exemption in the
      relevant course(s) for which they have not met credit eligibility requirements.
  • For programming purposes for Fall 2020, teachers will have to verify that students have generated enough evidence of learning to make
    them prepared for the next course in the sequence, course of study, or discipline/department.
    • Again, if the student does not generate sufficient evidence of learning to substantiate adequate progress toward mastery of
      course outcomes to compete the course, then the student will be given an NX- course in progress grade- and the opportunity to
      complete required course outcomes in remote learning in the summer through August 2020. Performance in Summer Learning
      will directly impact programming for the Fall 2020 semester.
    • If the student still does not generate sufficient evidence of learning to substantiate adequate progress toward mastery of
      course outcomes to complete the course by August 2020, the student will be re-enrolled in that course in the fall semester to
      give him/her the opportunity to generate sufficient evidence of learning. The re-enrolled or incomplete course work will reflect
      the remote learning assignments, tasks, and outcomes that the student has yet to complete at an adequate level.
    • This means that the student’s progress toward graduation and promotion to the next grade will likely be delayed since the
      student will be given the opportunity to re-enroll in the incomplete course while also enrolling in the next course in the
      sequence. This increases the student’s course load significantly and in order to be sure that students are not inadvertently
      putting themselves at greater disadvantage, the decisions regarding course enrollment will be made on a case by case basis.
      The ultimate goal remains the same: to ensure that each student has every reasonable opportunity to generate sufficient
      evidence of their learning while continuing to make progress toward graduation and promotion.
  • After final grades have been issued for the spring semester, students and families have the option to convert any or all passing Spring
    Semester 2020 final grades to ‘CR’ which indicates the course was passed and credit was earned but does not have a value in the
    student’s GPA. Students might choose this option if they generated sufficient evidence of learning and passed a course but did not
    achieve at a level that would increase or sustain or improve their GPA. This is an individual student and family decision and will be
    supported by counselors, advisors, advocates, and administrators.

Each student and parent should read this policy update and ask any questions that you might have. The most important thing is for each student
to put forth their best effort to complete course requirements for all classes in which they are registered. If a student is having any challenges in
doing so, please make sure that you communicate with us so that we can support you. Send an email or text to a teacher, advisor, advocate,
counselor, or administrator.

We will likely never have this level of flexibility again and so everyone should take full advantage of this time to earn course credits by completing
course requirements. Each of you can do it! Please don’t give up now. We are going to get through this…together.

With love,

Dr. SJ Tait                                                         917-539-8518

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